quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2021

• Changes

I love changes. I probably should be more wise, but… In all my life I was unable to resist to a sudden and radical change.

And I feel there’s a major change coming my day soon. One more time. Hopefully.

I will get rich for the first time or I will resume once again a life in a couple. Or both. Or I’m going to travel the whole world. Or i will find a meaning to my current life, finally. Or even something else that can be even better, who knows. If that can only be possible.

There’s always something that can improve our lives. I’m not really wishing on anything in particular. I’m good, just the way I am and live today. I’m not ungrateful to the universe and the way it has been conspiring on my favour. But…

Well, let’s wait and see what will happen. Wait and see...

Meanwhile, if I won't have any inspiration to write or feel like posting something else before it... To all my readers and followers, Merry Christmas everybody!…


Note: this Santa Claus picture above at the top of this post would be a wonderful photo for a barber shop advertisement, don't you think?...

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