terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2020

• Save me!…

I’m almost in a desperate state of mind. So far, this year has been one of the deepest nightmares I’ve been through in my life. It’s a fact that I’m feeling like to soon start to shout “Save me!…”, but…

Do I really need to be saved?… Shall I deserve to be saved?… Is it worth to ask for help to anyone?…

Nowadays, it’s everyone for himself in this world. Solidarity seems to be a vain concept to mankind.

And oh, my gods*, how I lack a lifetime partner today… Specially during these late lockdown periods we all have experienced…

My dear and sweet saviour, please show up to me!… In the shape of a mythological goddess, if possible… I’ll give you some reasons why you should search for me, find and appreciate me. Please bear in mind that you should message me if:
  • If you want to know what it’s like to be loved by a living god.
  • If you can do me the charity of letting me love you.
  • If you need help to take good care for the animals and plantations on your farm.
  • If you own a hotel.
  • If you own a restaurant.
  • If you would like to have a tour guide always at hand.
  • If you want me to write your biography.
  • If you want me to take good pictures of yourself to keep your outer beauty for posterity and even the inner one.
  • If you have a mission for me.
  • If you want an accomplice for anything whatsoever.

* I’m an atheist, but spiritual. I don’t believe neither in the so called God of the christians nor in any other gods related to the several faiths humans have invented. But being spiritual, it comforts my mind to invoke some alleged divine creatures, once in a while. so, in order not to leave anyone of them behind, I say “oh, my gods!…”. This way, I don’t specify or favor no one in particular.

Note: my words are in english🇬🇧 to reach out to a wider target. But since I reckon many of the women belonging to that target might only read my mother language, here follows a portuguese🇵🇹 translation of the subject core:

Cara salvadora minha, por favor, aparece!… Na forma duma deusa mitológica, se possível... Vou-te dar algumas razões pelas quais tu deves me procurar, encontrar e apreciar. Tem em mente que deves enviar-me uma mensagem se:
  • Se queres saber como é ser amada por um deus vivo.
  • Se me podes fazer a caridade de deixares que te ame.
  • Se precisas de ajuda para tratar dos animais e das plantações da tua quinta.
  • Se és dona dum hotel.
  • Se és dona dum restaurante.
  • Se te der jeito ter um guia turístico sempre à mão.
  • Se queres que escreva a tua biografia.
  • Se queres ter boas fotografias tuas para guardar para a posteridade a tua beleza exterior e até a interior.
  • Se tiveres alguma missão para mim.
  • Se te der jeito um cúmplice para tudo e mais alguma coisa.

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2020

• Reinkarnatsiooni kohta*

Oma praeguses elus olen mees ja sirge. Järgmine kord, kui minust saab naine, tahan olla lesbi.

* On reincarnation, in estonian.

Translation: In my current life, I am a man and straight. Next time, if I will become a woman, I want to be a lesbian.

Note: You may wonder, dear readers, why am I writing in this language, estonian, spoken by so few people in this world?… Well, I suppose because I❤️Estonia. The country. That’s why.