sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

• Where are you?…

Where are you?… I thought I had found you, once or twice. But no. Because the ones I thought they could well be you have ceased to love me the way I am. So, they couldn't be you... Right?... Right???... Am I seeing things clear? Or rather not, once more? 

Where are you?… Why are you so late to show up? Will you ever do it? Have I already seen you? I haven't payed you the attention you deserved, surely... Will we ever meet again? Or for the first time? Will we live together one day? For the rest of our lives?

Where are you?… Do you even exist in this world, my love? And in these times were living now, as well? I feel so damn lost without you...

2 comentários:

MJ disse...

Trata-se de continuares a acreditar e ter fé. Isso fará a diferença...


Giuseppe Pietrini disse...

MJ, obrigado pelas tuas palavras. Creio que tu crês que eu creio. Uma vez que apontas que eu devo continuar. Diferente já me sinto... cada dia que passa um pouco mais. Agora é mister encontrar uma diferença igual à minha...

Beijim! ;-)