sábado, 29 de outubro de 2016

• An instant couple, she said...

Once upon a time there was this instant couple. And to me, in the history of mankind I doubt there has ever been another instant couple more magnificent than this one.

These days, in my hours of deep loneliness among the noisy crowds that have to stand by my side, I wonder often…

Where did all beautiful people disappear to?…

Where have all intelligent people vanish to?…

She is love. It’s inside her, she said too. And now, due to having lived together with her, I believe I am love, as well. Because someone else said that I seem to have a lot of it to share with the whole world. And so I did. Always have done.

Hooray for instant couples!!!…  :-)

Last year, in this very same day, October, the 29th, I felt like being the happiest man in this world.

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